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Cosmetic Dentistry – Crowns

This Blog was posted by Clearview Dental -Your Cosmetic Dental Clinic Milton, Ontario

A dental crown is a restoration which is designed to fit seamlessly over an individuals tooth. The crown surrounds tooth structure and provides vital protection for the surfaces of the tooth. Dental crowns require approximately two visits in order to be placed to protect severely decayed or damaged teeth. During the initial visit, the dentist will begin the procedure with a topical anesthetic to temporarily numb the soft tissue. Local anesthetic will then be used to help patients feel comfortable during the procedure. More about ourCosmetic Dentistry By Clearview Dental In Milton here

The dentist will then intricately remove any decay and prepare the tooth for a dental crown. After the tooth has been properly prepared, an impression will be taken. This impression serves as a blueprint for the fabrication of the dental crown. Placement of a temporary dental crown will help protect the tooth while the permanent crown is being processed at the dental laboratory. After the crown has been completely processed to perfection, the dentist will try the crown on the tooth and examine the restoration for any discrepancies. The dental crown will then be permanently bonded onto the tooth with a special bonding agent.

Dental crowns may be necessary for the following reasons:
* Protect severely decayed or fractured teeth
* Restore teeth that have been severely worn
* Provide support for extremely large fillings where tooth structure has been compromised
* Provide support for a dental bridge
* Restore a dental implant
* Enhance a tooths size, shape, and color for cosmetic purposes

Crowns are made from various materials including porcelain fused to metal, resin, or ceramic: Porcelain fused to metal crowns can be custom fabricated to blend with the natural teeth. Our dentists use these types of crowns for front or back teeth. However, these crowns can cause extensive wear to the natural teeth and can fracture in some cases. It is important to note that the benefits outweigh the risks in comparison to various dental crown materials.

All-resin dental crowns are considered to be the most cost effective; however, they are extremely sensitive to fractures. These crowns also can wear down over time.

All-ceramic dental crowns are suitable for patients who have metal allergies. These crowns are also extremely easy to color-match and are great for front teeth. Ceramic crowns, however, have the tendency to wear over time and may even be prone to fractures.

Dental crowns can last up to 10 or more years with proper care. The longevity of a crown is dependent upon the amount of wear the crown is exposed to, personal oral hygiene habits and distinctive habits such as clenching or grinding of teeth. If you are interested in learning more about the risks and benefits of dental crowns, contact our office today. Our dentists are experts in dental crowns and will be happy to examine your teeth and answer any questions you have about crowns or other dental treatments.

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